1. Provide the computer drawing for your individual RG setup.
picture 1.1: drawing for circuit |
Picture1.2:drawing for mechanical contraption. |
2. Explain your setup.
Mu set up starts with force sensor that is connected to 555 timer, 555 timer will be connected to 5 v source and the output of the timer will be connected to the Decimal counter 74192, then I connected the decimal counter to display driver to turn on 7-segment and to the XOR gate to turn on the motor. Connecting LED to the XOR so when the motor on, the LED will be on. I used transistor so when the the 7-segment reaches four, there will be enough current to turn the motor on and when the motor is on, it will pull a string that is connected to the gate in bottle of water, when the gate is released, the water will go through a pipe to other bottle that is attached to a balance, so when the bottle is full he ball will go up and it will through a tube to hit some dominos.
3. Provide photos of the circuit and setup.
photo 3.1: picture of the circuit |
4. Provide at least 2 videos of your setup in action (parts or whole), at least one being a failed attempt.
video 4.1: shows how circuit works
5. What failures did you have? How did you overcome them?
some of the failures I had is that my XOR wasn't sending enough voltage and that was hard to figure so i was trying to disconnect all components and measure XOR output alone but when i took LED light out, I measured the voltage and it went up. To overcome this problem, i Put the LED light in another XOR gate and I used transistor to increase the current that is going to the motor. Also, another failure is that how to connect the string on the motor to the gate on the first bottle and that I am trying to figure it out, but I used a glue gate and attach it to bottle of water so when the bottle goes down, the gate will open.
Lucas’s Rube Goldberg
1. Provide the computer drawing for your individual RG setup.
Picture 1.1 shows the schematic of my original circuit |
2. Explain your setup.
3. Provide photos of the circuit and setup.
Picture 3.1 shows picture of circuit |
Picture 3.1 shows picture of circuit |
Picture 3.1 shows picture of three step ramp |
Picture 3.1 shows picture of motor and starting gate |
Picture 3.1 shows picture of the cup pulley and the platform |
4. Provide at least 2 videos of your setup in action (parts or whole), at least one being a failed attempt.
Video 4.1 shows a failed attempt force sensor did not activate the circuit
Video 4.2 shows a successful run of the circuit but the motor was to connected
5. What failures did you have? How did you overcome them?
I faced a problem with getting the 555 timer to work and activate the rest of my circuit so I decided to skip the digital circuit and just have the relay go straight to two 7 segment display which would give a read out of "GO". I also faced a problem with the PhotoSensor, so i decided to use a transistor instead running a 11 volt source through a resistor then to the collector on the transistor and the 5 volt from the relay to the base of the transistor. Lastly I ran the emitter output to the motor.
Group Rube Goldberg
1. Group task: Explain your group RG setup.
To connect our Rube Goldberg machines we used Lucas's RG first after his releases the ball into the cup and falls to the floor the cup and the ball will hit Muhannad's force sensor to trigger his RG to start.
2. Group task: Video of a test run of your group RG.
Video 2.1: failure attempt.
Video 2.2: another failure attempt.
Group Rube Goldberg
1. Group task: Explain your group RG setup.
To connect our Rube Goldberg machines we used Lucas's RG first after his releases the ball into the cup and falls to the floor the cup and the ball will hit Muhannad's force sensor to trigger his RG to start.
2. Group task: Video of a test run of your group RG.